Kate Otten

18 AUGUST 2022

Kate Otten is part of a generation of significant architects working in the South African space.  Her buildings are born out of the South African context, weaving together materials, skills, politics, light, and landscape to create places that feed and nurture the human spirit. Kate believes that buildings have an emotional presence – ‘fulfilling the emotional and spiritual needs of the users is as important as creating a functional space.’


Graduating from the University of the Witswatersrand in Johannesburg, Kate set up her own practice in 1989.  Kate Otten Architects has subsequently developed into a singular practice with a varied body of work, including important public buildings and places of memory.


In addition to the work of her practice, Kate is active within several professional bodies, most recently in her capacity as President of the South African Institute of Architects. She maintains involvement with architectural education, and is deeply passionate about promoting the contribution of women to the profession. Her work has been widely published and has won numerous awards locally and internationally including the Saint Gobain Architecture for Social Gain award, the Architecture +Cityscape Award, Dubai, the UIA Medal of Excellence, AUA Award of Excellence and numerous  SAIA awards of Merit. 

Watch acclaimed architect Kate Otten deliver the third talk in our Pan-African Speaker Series, held in Accra on 18 August 2022. Click anywhere on the image to watch the lecture on Vimeo. You can also watch this lecture on our YouTube page. All our events and videos are free of charge.